
What we offer to our partners

Our objective is to represent, inform and offer advice to forestry companies.

From collective bargaining agreements to the creation of sectoral alliances, communication and dissemination of work carried out by our partners.

ASEMFO also promotes investment and employment opportunities in forestry and is present in sectorial forums.

Here you will find all the services we provide to our associates.


ASEMFO guarantees direct support and advice to all forestry companies

Institutional representation

We defend and represent the interests of forest service companies before their clients, which are mainly public administrations and private forest property.

Collective bargaining of sectorial agreements

As forestry employers, we negotiate sectorial collective agreements for forestry activities to guarantee a labor framework for companies.

Technical advice

We attend the legal consultations of the associates, fundamentally in matters of public and labor law, which are the main areas of interest of forestry companies.


ASEMFO promotes its growth, development and representation before clients


We promote internal communication between the network of forestry companies, as well as the dissemination of forestry work carried out by the associates.

Promotion and participation in congresses and conferences

We participate in events, acts, conferences and conferences of interest to members, the most representative being the Spanish Forestry Congress and the National Environmental Congress.


27 years of work guarantee our professional career as a forestry employer

Execution of projects and sector studies

We promote the implementation of projects and sectorial studies of interest to associates in the field of investment and employment, training, health and safety, technical guides, internationalization and forestry services.

Analysis of plans, budgets, strategies and regulations

The associates are up to date on all investment and business opportunities in forestry, with periodic information that is sent in newsletters, with all the analysis of plans, programs and forestry budgets.


We are a space that unites and professionally serves forestry companies in Spain

Participation in forums and sectoral work tables

Both at a public and private level, we are present in forums and work tables to learn about sectorial information and contribute, in turn, business proposals.

Cooperation and alliances with sectoral agents

We promote collaboration with different sectoral agents of the forest value chain, in order to jointly defend interests and proposals.